I am proud to inform you that Nick is graduating from Brandon Hall School (high school) next week with Honors. The road to this accomplishment has been neither smooth nor straight but with guidance and support, Nick has cleared this hurdle and has progressed nicely to the next.
In the fall Nick applied to and was accepted at five respected colleges/universities! The entire family, including Nick, was amazed and thrilled. He has chosen to go to George Mason University next year because it has an outstanding program in Computer Game Design, which is his intended major.
Besides learning to drive in May-June, this summer Nick will be taking 5-consecutive week long, non-credit courses related to Computer Game Design at GMU in order to prepare for the fall semester.
Nick still needs help maintaining focus and monitoring homework assignments so he has enrolled for academic accommodations.
I could not pass beyond this momentous junction in Nick’s career without sharing with you his progress and accomplishments. I acknowledge and thank you, along with with Dr. Thomson, Dr. Kindler, Nick’s teachers and the entire TKS staff for your substantial roles in “bringing to light the potential” within Nick. Here’s to a bright future for Nick and for TKS!