I can never thank this wonderful school enough. The program is excellent, the teachers and staff are professional and loving, and the outside resources are excellent.
— A parent from Washington D.C.
Academic Overview
Keswick School offers a full academic program based on each student’s needs. The school’s accreditation through the Virginia Association of Independent Specialized Education Facilities (VAISEF) allows students to earn high school credits which transfer to their home school. Students have an Individualized Service Plan (ISP) or Individualized Education Plan (IEP) developed upon enrollment at Keswick School. These plans include long-term and short-term goals for academics as well as residential and therapeutic areas. Standardized testing (primarily the Woodcock Johnson – IV Tests of Achievement), student records, and the present level of performance aid in determining class placement, course selection and individual objectives in the students ISP/IEP. The unique wrap-around service that Keswick School utilizes balances the goals so that continuity for the student between all areas is achieved.
Each teacher at Keswick School is a certified Virginia teacher with endorsements in the areas of emotional disturbance and learning disabilities, a provisionally licensed teacher working toward professional licensure, or an approved long-term substitute teacher under the supervision of master level, special education-certified teacher. The teacher, with the help of a classroom assistant, provides instruction in all the basic academic areas to a class of no more than eight students, with the average classroom being 6-7 students. Self-contained classroom with few transitions allow students with attention and behavior challenges to experience greater success.
The teacher is the case manager for the student and a member of the Advisory Team, the group of people responsible for making decisions for the student’s program. The Advisory Team is an essential part of the Keswick School program and includes: the teacher, residential counselor, therapist, and any other persons involved with the student’s education or services.
Course offerings include English (language arts/reading), mathematics, science, social studies, physical education/health, and practical arts (art, woodshop, horseback riding). High school credit is offered for English, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education/health, and practical arts.
I can never thank this wonderful school enough. The program is excellent, the teachers and staff are professional and loving, and the outside resources are excellent.