Restricted Giving
Restricted gifts fund special programs that support and encourage excellence among our students and staff. Funds are expended from the principal gift and will eventually be depleted if not replenished.
Existing special program funds include the following:
Gabriel Hirsch Poetry & Art Award
The Gabriel Hirsch Poetry & Art Award recognizes students who show a love for written and visual art as a means of expression. It seeks to encourage students to develop and nurture skills in written and visual arts to help them better express how they experience the world around them. The award fund supports art education at Keswick School and pays for professionally frame broadside copies of the winning work for the two award winners, the school, and the Hirsch-Landay family.
The award was established by the parents of the late Gabriel Hirsch, who like many TKS students worked to learn how to communicate the feelings he experienced. He harnessed the power of the written word and embraced art as vessels for which to share himself with the community and eventually the world. Through this memorial award and grant, Gabriel’s legacy continues to impact current and future TKS students.
Hugh Motley Equestrian Fund
In memory of Hugh Motley, an invaluable supporter of the Keswick School Riding Program, the Hugh Motley Equestrian Award was created to recognize an outstanding student in riding who has shown passion and commitment to the Keswick School riding program. For over 53 years, horseback riding has been an integral part of daily life at Keswick School.
Since the founding of the school, students have had the opportunity to learn horsemanship and experience success in riding. The TKS equestrian program has made a lasting impact on the lives of many young men. For some, TKS has been their first experience with horses. For others it is a continued pursuit that marks a prominent success, instilling in them a sense of pride and accomplishment in their development of skills.
Hugh Motley was a highly respected horseman with a long-lasting relationship with Bob and Libby Wilson, the founders of Keswick School. Keswick School honors the memory of Hugh Motley’s passion and dedication to equestrian sports, his contributions to the Keswick community, and his friendship with the school with Keswick School’s highest equestrian award.
Nicholas Hannant Scholarship Fund
The Nicholas Hannant Scholarship Fund was established by family and friends in memory of the late Nicholas Hannant to provide financial aid funds for students. Nicholas loved Keswick School and greatly valued the relationships he had there. He found pride in his accomplishments, and Keswick School helped him to gain confidence to overcome challenges in his life. His gentle, kind spirit touched many lives. In honor of Nicholas’ legacy, this fund provides donors a means to support students who might not otherwise be able to attend without financial assistance.